Turn on the phone and sweep the two-dimensional code You can access the website and share it with your friends through a mobile phone
Turn on the phone and sweep the two-dimensional code You can access the website and share it with your friends through a mobile phone
2019年9月3日—9月5日,应马来西亚登嘉楼州政府及马来西亚亲王TG ISKANDAR TG HASHIM的邀请,江苏耀时律师事务所主任张晓宇律师同某世界五百强公司高管一行赴马来西亚登嘉楼州就某工业园项目及相关融资事宜与工业部部长YB DATO’HAJI TENGKU HASSAN、住房部部长SAIFUL AZMI SUHAILI进行会谈。
Address:Rm1301,Building 2,Paradise Walk,No.89 Yunlongshan Rd,NJ,CH
Email:xeoninfo@163.com Xeon Integrated Platform
Tel:+86(025)83707073 Xeon Integrated Platform
Rm1301,Building 2,Paradise Walk, No.89 Yunlongshan Rd,NJ,CH
Zip code:210013
Telephone:+86 (025)83707073